ESL Special Program - English as a Second Language

Our ESL program is a specially designed Transitional Bilingual Education Program. This initiative is taught by a fully licensed and trained ESL teacher from the United States using the internationally recognized WIDA curriculum. Our program allows an introduction point to our school for students who are not completely fluent in English as an academic language. Our innovatively designed plan of studies will enable us to integrate, welcome and socialize our new students into our community. Additionally, due to our leading edge and advanced techniques, students spend only one year in the program and move into the eighth grade with the rest of the student body. English language support will also be available as our students advance through the grade levels at CAT, to ensure their academic success.

ESL, Middle & High School

All students who are interested in Middle & High School should take an English entrance exam.

Parents should submit the following documents to the Admissions and Community Relations Office. We will start receiving these paperwork on November 2022, for 2023–2024 school year.

  • Four color photographs, credential size
  • Updated Birth Certificate, original and two copies
  • Copy of grades from past two years
  • Copy of current school year grades
  • Behavior Letter from most recent school
  • Copy of student C.U.R.P. (Apply also for foreign students)
  • Letter of Economic Solvency (New Families)
  • Utility Bill
  • 2 Recommendation Letters (2 current families at CAT)
  • CAT Registration Form

Returning CAT students, after one year abroad in an English speaking school, will be exempted from the entrance exam.

IMPORTANT: The Colegio Americano de Torreón is a creditable preparatory, bilingual and bicultural school that does not have a program or any resource for those students who have special/different necessities.