Elementary Curriculum Overview
The CAT Elementary Curriculum is designed to promote each students’ development through strategies and skills that serve as a foundation for all subjects. Our dedicated teachers consider each student ‘s individuality and learning style when planning projects, units and lessons. Throughout the year, students are engaged in projects through which they explore, engineer, and exhibit their learning. At the beginning of each school year, teachers assess their students’ skills and plan support and lessons to allow every individual to progress throughout the school year.
In Reading, our students learn strategies that help them read independently. For example, in Lower Elementary, they work with sounds and look at pictures to comprehend stories. In Upper Elementary, they read from different texts for different purposes, such as formulating informed opinions or research for a project. All Elementary students are given time to read daily in class and are expected to read at home as well.
In Writing, students learn strategies to write stories (narratives), opinion, or informational pieces. Teachers provide rubrics to help guide student work. The emphasis is to write for different purposes and for those pieces to be authentic and published to the community.
In grades 1-3, students have access to Words Their Way. This is a word study program that supports foundational skills; such as, letter sounds, spelling, and meaning. As students find patterns in words, they are able to use those skills when speaking, reading, and writing, all while learning or practicing vocabulary in English.
Students learn to practice mental reasoning skills, explain how they solve problems, and use different strategies to solve them. Students find applications to real-world problems and opportunities to work with concepts various times. In grades 1-3, students learn concepts in a fun way; through games and using manipulatives. In grades 4-5 learners have access to tools and strategies that help them solve problems with fractions, volume, multi-digit operations, among others. In grade 6, students explore Middle School standards, such as; ratios, expressions and equations, real-world mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume, as well as statistics and probability.
Science & Social Studies
In Science, learners in grades 1-3 mostly work on projects designed by teams of teachers to explore scientific concepts. Students in grades 4-6 work on Next Generation Science Standards which provides them with concepts that integrate science and engineering, cross-cutting concepts, and topics that allow students to ask questions, explore, construct explanations, plan and carry out investigations, and engage in argument from evidence. All students have access to the Science Lab for hands-on experiences.
Social Studies concepts are included in projects designed by teachers during each trimester. They explore geography, historical concepts, economic understandings, government and civics. In Spanish, Mexican geography and history are emphasized.
There are various forms of assessment. Teachers use rubrics, quizzes, or tests to assess project products, published writing pieces, individual reading fluency and comprehension, math, among others. They also use formative assessments; like observations, to find the best way to support our young learners.
In Reading, there are diagnostic assessments with the resource Fountas & Pinnell. This assessment determines each student’s individual reading level. This information is used to work with each student at their reading level and provide lessons and support in order for them to continue to go up in levels throughout the year. Students take these assessments two to three times a year.
In grades 3-6 students take the NWEA MAP test three times a year. This is a test that measures academic progress in Reading, Math, and Language. Teachers utilize results from these tests to assist students in setting learning goals and plan lessons.
Elementary students have numerous opportunities to explore their talents and interests through a robust Specials program. Some of the classes our students attend include:
- Spanish
- Art
- Physical Education
- Music
- Technology
- Science Lab
- Imagination
- Library
- Electives
For further information please contact Carolina Viveros, our Elementary Curriculum Coordinator.
Elementary Standards
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
1ero Español
2do Español
3ro Español
4to Español
5to Español
6to Español
1st- 6th Physical Education
1st-6th Technology & Computer Science
1st-6th Library
1st-6th Digital Citizenship
1st Music
2nd Music
3rd Music
4th Music
5th Music
6th Music
1st Art
2nd Art
3rd Art
4th Art
5th Art (Theater)
6th Art (Theater)
5th-6th Electives
5th-6th Robotics
5th Studio Art
6th Studio Art
5th Audio Visual
6th Audio Visual